Saturday, December 26, 2009

Time Utilization

Better utilization of time for managers REQUIRES the following:

Individual tasks like emailing, memos, reports, etc, must be handled after-hours. There are so many opportunities to have valuable discussions with all the experts in your organization, or with other external contacts, during the regular work hours, that we can't spend it in isolation. Managers simply cannot afford to forego the opportunity for interpersonal communications. Only the briefest amount of the work day should be utilized for making personal notes, or a quick dictation to staff.

This idea takes the concept of delegation of work to staff to another level. Of course good managers assign work to the lowest-cost resource capable of the task. But they must also have a strategic plan for the use of time during work hours that maximizes contact time with other peer-level and higher management. It's simply better utilization of time.

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